Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Features and Instructional Applications of GIS and GPS.

Compare the features and instructional applications of GIS and GPS tools. How can educators use GIS and GPS tools to enhance student learning?

The Graphic Information System, known as a GIS is a computer system that has a database that stores information about geographic locations. When using a GIS, students are able to compare the population, wildlife, areas, and cities. They can compare two towns or cities simultaneously. In addition they are able to maintain massive amount of data on a geographical location, obtain and produce current customized maps. This will allow for them to perform a compare analysis of the data collected.

The Global Positioning System or GPS already has the information in a bank provided by 24 satellites and their ground stations. The GPS is capable of calculating the position of a given point of location on Earth and be accurate within feet or inches of the position. The GPS can be used to locate a city within the state and check if their figures are correct when doing a word problem, as a reward. Students can even use them to locate their own address to see just how accurate it can be.

Both the GIS and the GPS are good tools to teach science and social studies, but it could also be used in Math. When these tools are used in relation to the student personally, educators will in turn have a higher producing student.


  1. Both of the systems are very accurate and will help in all subjects. I think that they are great for classroom activities. Although, we have to be aware of the negativeness they offer and work around it.
    -kelsie lorraine

  2. Hey Juanita,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I agree GIS and GPS are great tools to use when teaching Science and Social Studies. Both are fun. Students enjoy learning when lesson are fun.
